Wenas Mammoth Foundation
501(c) (3) Nonprofit Organization

The foundation offers K-12 youth, teachers, and communities the unique opportunity to become inspired with local paleontology, geology, and archaeology, cultivate curiosity, and acquire problem solving skills and a desire to learn more.

Welcome to our website

Why is there a need for Science Education?

The National Science Foundation research indicates that there is a need to improve science, mathematics and critical thinking skills in K-12 students, to better prepare them for secondary education and life. This region is primarily agricultural communities. Information from “ESD105 2019-2020 Report Card” shows that 27.3% of our students are mobile and migrant, 45.5% are homeless. The ESD105 Report Card shows the estimated average for this region is that only 34.1% met the Science Standards. The WA State Report Card shows the statewide average is 46.7% met the Science Standards.

How to maneuver our site

If you are interested in a specific part of our educational program, this is where you would find additional information and registration forms.

Virtual Education Tab: Information on Virtual STEM Teacher Classes, Topics, Testimonials, and Educators Resource List.
Mobile Education Program Tab:  Information on Classroom Lessons, Presentations, and Hands-on Activities that are offered to schools and community events, and the downloadable School and Event Scheduling Form.
Dig Site Education Tab:  Information on the Youth and Teacher STEM Camps, Camp Registration Packets, Tours and the Dig Site Tour Scheduling Form, Dig Site Projects, and the annual Day-At-The-Dig Event.
Board of Directors Tab:  Information on the WMF's Executive Board, Advisory Board, and Quarterly Newsletters.
Donate:  Information of the variety of methods that can be utilized to donate to the WMF.

History of the Wenas Creek Mammoth Dig Site

In 2005, while excavating a driveway on the hillside overlooking the Wenas Valley for landowners Doug and Bronwyn Mayo, the excavator Gary Fife, uncovered a Columbian Mammoth humerus bone.  Central Washington University conducted summer field schools from 2005-2010, excavating one-third of the 17,500 year-old Columbian Mammoth and one fourth of an ancient Bison Antiquus.  With the discovery of a "man-made flake" the site became an official "Archaeology Site".  The site is unique because the bones were well above the Missoula Ice Age Flood deposits, which meant the mammoth and bison lived and died in the Wenas Valley.

2010 Photo of the Summer Field School students measuring the depth of the excavation unit.

New Signage at Dig Site

Visitors are now able to visualize where the bones were discovered at the Wenas Mammoth Creek Dig Site.

Thank you Fresh Hop Group and U.C Signs for giving us the opportunity of providing this signage at the site.

Land Acknowledgement

The Wenas Mammoth Foundation would like to acknowledge the traditional and ancestral territory of the Yakama Nation on which the Wenas Creek Mammoth Dig Site resides today. Located in south central Washington State, the Yakama originally occupied both sides of the Columbia River and on the northern branches of the Yakima and Wenatchee Rivers. The Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation was a consolidation of 14 bands, or tribes. The Yakama were also called Waptailnsim, meaning “people of the narrow river”, or Pa’kiut’lĕma which means “people of the gap”. These names refer to the place where the Yakima River tapers is size at what is now known as Union Gap and the Selah Gap. In 1994 the tribe change their name from Yakima to Yakama to reflect the native pronunciation. The Yakama lived undisturbed for thousands of years and as the climate and environment changed over time they adapted and maintained most of their traditions, which are still practiced today.

Central Washington University Wenas Creek Mammoth Project

Wenas Mammoth Foundation's Educational Program

Bringing local earth science to youths, teachers, and communities.

The Wenas Mammoth Foundation

The mission of the Wenas Mammoth Foundation is to promote and preserve this unique piece of Central Washington State history and utilize this site and its natural history and inspire the pursuit of educational opportunities.

Our goal is to enhance earth science educational opportunities in a real-life hands-on scientific archeological environment, where students can apply the Next Generation Science Skill levels that support their STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) career fields and become employable. The WMF achieves this through our Mobile Educational Exhibit, curriculum that meets the “Next Generation Science Standards”, hands-on and virtual activities. The WMF also had an educational program at the Wenas Creek Mammoth Dig Site which includes: Youth and Teacher STEM Paleontology, Archaeology, and Geology Summer Camps, site tours, museum displays, and community events. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the WMF developed Virtual Lessons for youth, teachers, and our communities to participate in on-line.   Partnering with ESD105, the Educational Service District for South Central WA State, Virtual STEM Teacher Paleontology, Archaeology, and Geology classes are now offered, giving teachers the opportunity to earn 15 STEM clock hours virtually and gain resources to bring local earth science into their classrooms.

Visit our other webpages and learn more!



Would you like to join our team of volunteers and bring the exciting and fun world of local earth science to our teachers, youth, and communities?  Click the button below to complete the Volunteer Application.   

Volunteer Application


...to everyone who has supported us through donations, grants, and time!

We could not do this without you!

2024 Major Supporters

2024 was a successful and busy year. We want to thank the following major supporters for helping us continue to bring local earth science to schools, teachers, students, and communities. We are very grateful for those who support us financially and those who also volunteer.  You do make a difference!  Thank You!

Thank You
Fresh Hop Group

The Wenas Mammoth Foundation is very pleased to announce that the Fresh Hop Group has awarded the WMF their 2024 Grant Request of $2,000.
The Fresh Hop Group is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to present one of the country’s top 10 beer festivals, celebrating the Yakima Valley Hops, and to support Yakima based art and science organizations. Thank You Fresh Hop Group for giving local nonprofit organizations in Yakima County the opportunity to provide Art and Science programs.

Fresh Hop Group

Thank You ESD105

Educational Service District 105 supports the learning success of more than 66,000 students who attend the 25 public school districts and more than 20 state-approved private and tribal schools we serve in South Central Washington. As a service agency, their purpose is to meet the expressed needs of local school districts by coordinating and conducting cooperative programs that benefit the educational needs of the young people in the four counties they serve.  The Wenas Mammoth Foundation partners with ESD105 as a Community Based Educator and help expand Science learning beyond the classroom!  Through this program we are able to offer the STEM Teacher Paleontology, Geology, and Archaeology classes at the actual dig site, and also in a virtual online format.   


Thank You Robert and Florence Clark Family Charitable Fund

The WMF would like to express our gratitude to the Robert and Florence Clark Family Charitable Fund for their generous donation and supporting STEM and Earth Science Education. Thank you so much!

Thank You Legends Casino Hotel

Through the Yakama Legends Casino and Hotel, Yakama Cares awarded the Wenas Mammoth Foundation a donation of $2,000.  Thank you Yakama Cares for supporting the WMF's STEM and Earth Science Education Program. 

Yakama Cares


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